Assignment #1: Action Continuity

Create and edit an action scene focusing on the action’s visual continuity. Working with storyboards in a group, shoot your selected action. The edited version should not be less than 10 shots and should demonstrate:

  1. Match on action
  2. Shot/reverse shot
  3. 180 degree rule

In this assignment  you can pick one of the following actions:

  • A character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character.
  • One character wakes up another character. The first puts on her clothes, shoes, etc. and gets ready to go out.
  • A couple plays badminton.
  • Two people avoid each other going up or down a staircase.

REMEMBER: This exercise is not for you to use visual gimmicks but to focus on a straightforward, neat and effective presentation of action continuity through editing. Do not distract yourself or get sidetracked with unnecessary attention or efforts in lighting or story telling. Keep it simple!

Class will be divided into groups for this exercise. Each group will work on the production together and share the footage among the group for editing. Each student has to present a ‘version’ of his or her own editing effort. Submit names of group leader and members to your instructor on the first workshop period.

One day of e-money for production for Exercise 1 will be allocated to the group leaders respectively.


DUE: Feb 1st, 2016 (Bring your work to class & upload to CommonShare)

GRADE: 20%

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